A new study called "Navigating the Product Mindset" by Underwriters Laboratories has discovered a new "illness" among consumers, called "Gadget Fatigue". Never heard of it? Well, you'll probably be surprised to learn that almost 50% of gadget users are suffering from it, according to the study.
So, what's this Gadget Fatigue all about and is it fatal, you may wonder. We'll save you the suspense - thankfully, no one suffering from it is going to die, however, these users might become a bit indifferent towards all of the excitement and developments surrounding today's uber-dynamic market. Basically, if you have Gadget Fatigue, it means that you're fed up with ending up with an outdated device just a few months after you've laid your hard-earned cash for it. Sounds familiar?
With the pace of which manufacturers are flooding the market nowadays, many consumers are becoming tired of having to constantly keep up with the latest novelties. Because of that, they have stopped carrying about what's hot right now, and have decided to stick with their otherwise perfectly good handsets for a while longer.
In order to back their claims, however, the guys from Underwriters Laboratories are giving the failures of theTouchPad and PlayBook as examples of the presence of Gadget Fatigue in customers. If you ask us, these cases in particular have more to do with poor product execution, rather than people being tired of keeping up with technology, but anyway, we do share the view that devices become seemingly dated too quickly.
Another interesting find in this study, although not really one to be shocked by, is the fact that almost 90% of manufacturers consider themselves to be "at or ahead of the curve" in terms of innovation. Do you share their opinion? Do you feel the symptoms of Gadget Fatigue? Let us know in the comments below!