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Accutone Pisces Band Stereo Headphone Review

Accutone is known for making quality headsets for the corporate industry for decades. They’ve produced some of the world’s best headset and monitors that’s been used by call centers, corporations, professional musicians and now, they’re bringing their expertise to the consumer market.
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What we have here for review is the Accutone Pisces Band which is their top-of-the-line high-definition stereo headphone with an in-line microphone and digital control. It comes in 3 different flavors: White, Orange and Black. Looks really awesome but how does it fare? Read on for our review.


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The box is a clear plastic so you can clearly see what the Pisces Band looks like. You can see from the box that it’s compatible with all Apple products from the iPod to the iPhone up to the latest iPad. There’s nothing much to see in the box, not even the specs which I was hoping to see as any audiophile would want to know what they’re buying.
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Underneath the shiny silvery base of the headset, you’ll see a stylish-looking white carrying case and the user manual.


The Pisces Band feels solid and tough. The entire headset is made of genuine aluminum metal so it won’t break easily. The leatherette used in the headphones is quite comfortable and doesn’t heat up as much as other foams from headphones I’ve used. And if ever they need to be replaced, they can easily be removed (see user manual). The ear cups are quite small which can be uncomfortable for long periods of time for people with big ears.
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There’s a bit of clamping force which is good and bad in different ways. Good in a sense that it’ll keep the headset from falling and keeping your tunes to yourself and bad in a sense that it might give you headaches after long usage.
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The folding mechanism feels has that assuring lock and doesn’t feel like it’ll snap for a long time. This folding design is suitable for people on the go for its added portability.

The cable is flat and a tad bit short but it’s not a problem when it’s connected to a gadget on your pocket. Flat cables also don’t tangle as much as rounded cables.
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This headphone comes with an in-line mic and volume controls so it can be a nice companion to your iPhone. Using the volume controls is not as responsive as I hope it would be. The construction is rather flimsy as compared to the build of the headphone itself and the buttons are not that easy to click. But if you can learn to control it deftly, you can also use it to skip to the next or previous track as well as pause/play. However, it only works on iOS devices, not on Android or other phones.


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As with all headphones, when you buy them new, you need to burn them in first. This is to loosen the drivers and will definitely open up the sound a lot more. I did the standard sine sweep for 24 hours.

When I first got the headphones, the sounds were muffled and I couldn’t justify the price on this one. But after a week, I got to hear the dynamics of these cans. The lows really cut through the sound and doesn’t muffle the mids and highs.

The bass really feels natural and doesn’t target the bassheads market. It’s just the right amount of bass. I played some bass heavy RnB music which I don’t listen to much, but listening to them in these ‘phones is certainly a delight. I played Kenny G’s Romantic Collection and I can feel the high notes of his sax through my spine. There’s also very good instrument separation, as you can identify where the sound is coming from, giving the midtones their very own distinct sound space. The Pisces Band’s drivers have a nice balance from the low-end up to the high-end tones. (Disclaimer: Sound perception is very subjective and my experience with the same headphones might be different from yours)

The sound stage is actually good despite being a closed-back ‘phone. It doesn’t leak as much so you can use it on the library without disturbing anyone. But these headphones are loud, it’ll leak if you max out the volume. From experience, 70% is already loud enough for me.

Conversations with the mic on an iPhone are clear according to my friends on the other line. Something I’m not really surprised about since Accutone is known for delivering high-quality headsets for call centers and they applied the same quality over to their music headsets.


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These are a great set of ‘phones for people who’s always on the go. The compact folding design and the stylish carrying case can easily fit in your luggage or you won’t mind carrying it around like a clutch bag. It outputs great audio, has great looks and great durability, the perfect combination for mobile headphones. And the call reception quality you’re getting from the in-line mic is just a bonus.

The Accutone Pisces Band retails for Php8,450 which can be a bit steep for some but actually, it’s worth every peso you’re paying for. You can buy the Accutone Pisces Band from The Online Gadgeteer and comes with free delivery and one-year warranty.
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