One of the features that was outlined in the upcoming Android 4.1
Jelly Bean update was Google’s improved voice search and Google
Now functionality. Now, the new features looked extremely similar to
Apple’s Siri – that virtual assistant that’s been hailed by many as the
best feature of the new iPhone. Well, it probably wasn’t a surprise that
someone would take Google’s voice recognition tech and pit it against
YouTube user marquesbrownlee has
done exactly that, using the recently released source code for Android
4.1 in the Galaxy Nexus. You can check out the result in the video
below, but we’ll save you the trouble – it seems that Google’s voice
search is much, much faster and was pulling up search pages quicker and
had a higher rate of accurate voice recognition than Siri. Which isn’t
much of a surprise, really, as Siri connects to Wolfram Alfa for most of its replies, while Google’s service..well..connects to Google.